Unit testing in VS 2010

After installing VS 2010, I figured I’d create a simple MVC project to get acquainted with the new interface. In the project creation wizard I was presented with the option to create an MS test project. Nice, unit testing natively integrated to Visual Studio!

How does it compare to my current unit-testing setup of NUnit 2.5 and ReSharper as test runner?

A clean comparison is made by Jeff, although he constraints himself by requiring to use the NUnit GUI runner. (He has Testdriven.NET installed, though.) He concludes that NUnit wins, because of the clarity of the test code. I agree. He also likes the fluent interface of NUnit, which is a matter of taste - I don’t like it that much. Luckily using the fluent api is optional when using NUnit.

Another point I like about NUnit is its track record of integration with CI tools and msbuild scripts. For MSTest, this level of automation appears to be harder to achieve. Although this might change in the futurre, I’m not going to invest in it now.

For now I’m sticking with ReSharper and NUnit.